About Myself


Total Projects


Current project

JavaScript 95%

Node Js(Express) 80%

React Js 90%



  • January 2016 to present

    Web Application

    Full Stack developer.
    Goal-oriented Software Developer with strong commitment to collaboration and solutions-oriented problem-solving. Committed to high standards of web design, user experience, usability and speed for multiple types of end-users. Expert in diverse programming languages, including Java, JavaScript and Python.experienced on frameworks spring boot, Express (NodeJS), Django and React.

  • January 2016 to present

    Problem Solving

    I love to play with different problems and different algorithms. My playground is Hackerrank

  • January 2016 to present

    Undergraduate Degree

    South-East University .
    Computer Science & Engineering

  • June 2013 to July 2015


    Narshingdi Model Collage .
    Higher Secondary Certificate

  • January 09 to May 2013

    High School

    Narshingdi Govt. Girls' High School .
    Secondary School Certificate

What Can I Do For You?

Web Development

Rest API service with express (nodejs). Front-end development with React and any kind of tools like bootstrap, materialize,semantic and antd ui etc